Category: Pollution Insurance

  • Pollution General Liability Insurance NJ

    Are pollution and clean-up costs covered under General Liability insurance? The answer is most likely “NO.”  Over the years insurance companies have used more restrictive language in their policies to preclude any claim regarding pollution and today most General Liability insurance policies contain an “ABSOLUTE POLLUTION” exclusion, which means there is no coverage for  pollution […]

    August 2, 2022


    Most people do not realize that their General Liability insurance specifically excludes damages or injuries due to pollution. Pollution is defined as “any solid, liquid, gaseous, or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned, or reclaimed. “ Here are some claim examples […]

    August 21, 2019

  • Pollution Insurance for Contractors in NJ

    Pollution claims are not covered under General Liability insurance policies. You do not have to be an environmental contractor to be brought in on a pollution claim. Here are some claim examples: Excavation: A contractor accidentally ruptures an underground sewer line, septic or fuel tank and incurs emergency remediation costs to clean up the spill. […]

    January 23, 2019